Group impact on local industry: Grupo Mora’s economic and social contribution

By |2024-08-26T13:40:02+00:0026/08/2024|

At Grupo Mora, we firmly believe in the transformative power of our business activities to improve local communities. Since our founding, we have worked tirelessly to ensure that our operations not only generate economic benefits, but also drive social development in the areas where we operate. Let's explore how the Mora Group's activities have ...

Innovation and technology at Grupo Mora

By |2024-06-24T08:34:24+00:0024/06/2024|

In today's dynamic business world, innovation and technology are key factors for success and sustainability. At Grupo Mora, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve, which is why we continually strive to foster innovation and the adoption of advanced technology to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of our member companies. ...

Grupo Mora: Strengthening internal and external communication

By |2024-04-11T07:14:02+00:0010/04/2024|

In today's dynamic business environment, communication is critical to a company's success and reputation. In the case of Grupo Mora, we recognise the importance of establishing solid communication strategies that promote transparency, cohesion and commitment both within and beyond our corporate borders. Internal Communication: Fostering Cohesion and Transparency At ...

Talent development and Human Resources at Grupo Mora. Investing in the Growth of our employees

By |2024-03-18T10:14:16+00:0018/03/2024|

At Grupo Mora, we recognise that our greatest asset is our employees. That is why we are committed to their development, training and well-being. One of our core values is GROWTH, and we firmly believe that by investing in the development of our employees' talent, we are strengthening not only our teams, but also ...

Grupo Mora collaborates with the Conciénciate Foundation in its homeless sheltering system.

By |2023-12-15T13:30:03+00:0015/12/2023|

Grupo Mora, At Grupo Mora we are proud to be able to do our bit to improve people's quality of life. Moraval, is once again collaborating with the Fundación ConciénciateThis time with the social shelter located in the Carrús industrial estate, which has 44 places for homeless people who are in a street situation or ...

Building Success: Grupo Mora’s Corporate Culture and Shared Values

By |2023-11-10T12:13:58+00:0010/11/2023|

In the business world, success goes beyond numbers and profits. Corporate culture and shared values play a fundamental role in the direction a company takes. At Grupo Mora, a leading company in its sector, corporate culture is based on core values: trust, collaboration, growth, and commitment. In this blog, we will explore how these ...

Customer Orientation: Know Your Buyer Persona

By |2023-10-16T08:09:00+00:0016/10/2023|

Have you ever tried to sell a product or service without having a clear idea of who your target audience is? If the answer is yes, then you are missing a valuable opportunity to drive the success of your business. At Grupo Mora, we understand the importance of knowing your customer type, or as ...

Corporate social responsibility: what is it and why is it so important?

By |2023-05-30T16:29:32+00:0012/12/2022|

For several years now, there has been a growing debate on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a tool to lessen the possible negative impact of companies on social, labour and environmental rights. We are currently at a stage of transformation of production systems where companies are taking corporate social responsibility into account in order ...


By |2023-01-02T07:55:20+00:0026/09/2022|

Do you really want to know what customer experience is and how important it is? Are you interested in knowing how we work to achieve the wow effect on our clients at Grupo Mora? If you are still not clear on what customer experience is and how to exceed your customers' expectations, stay until ...


By |2023-01-02T07:54:41+00:0006/05/2022|

On this 8th of March, Grupo Mora has signed the HMA Equality Plan. This plan will be in effect for 4 years. It was the result of months and months of work, coordinated by a commission of staff from different departments and centres. In that meeting, part of the commission was there in person and ...

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